I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.· Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet
When we facilitate planning sessions with
our clients, we begin our session with the diagnostic
section. Diagnostics form the second of the three important skills all
entrepreneurs must acquire in order to ensure the sustainability of the
business. All entrepreneurs managing in a changing environment must master the
art of business analysis.

One: Determine important measures
Many entrepreneurs look at financial
metrics. There are other important
metrics in other parts of the business.
Marketing, Human Resources and operations all have measures that help
keeping an eye on the health of your business.
Establish a series of monthly and even weekly measures that allow you to
take fast action, and annual and quarterly metrics that give you a sense of the
‘long term’ health of the business.
Two: Look for changes
Spotting trends and changes is an essential
part of analyzing the business. For example, a drop in sales may represent a
downturn, or simply a seasonal shift.
Comparisons to the previous year help reduce these seasonal
factors. Changes can come due to three
factors. Internal factors are changes to the metrics caused by internal
actions of the company. External factors are changes to the
metrics caused by outside forces. Anomalies are random fluctuations with
no identifiable cause. A single change
does not necessarily indicate a trend, but may have no cause.
Three: Take Action
Once you have examined and sorted the
changes, create strategies, or execute tactics to overcome these changes. Alternatively, take action adapting to the
change. For example, if sales are down,
execute a marketing strategy to increase sales, or reduce staffing levels. In the case of an anomaly, keep an eye on the
metric involved and see if there are any underlying factors that are driving
change to the metric and to your business.
Conditions / Assumptions
When performing your analysis over a longer
period of time. For example US
consumption of soft drinks is off by 20% over the past ten years. This trend indicates a change in the ‘underlying
conditions’ under which beverage companies are operating. Demographics changes also change the
underlying assumptions in healthcare, financial services and travel & leisure.
Spotting these changes longer term changes is challenging. Missing such changes often trips up large businesses.
Ken Olsen, CEO if Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was quoted as saying,
"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his
home." DEC went on to merge with
COMPAQ and then…disappear.
Good entrepreneurs often started their
businesses by sensing changes. Great
entrepreneurs, with the help of great analytics, sense these changes and adapt
before the changes overwhelm them.