Never confuse a tail wind with good management.
Jeff Immelt, CEO General Electric
have started your business, survived the first year, did alright in the second
year, and thrived in the third year. Congratulations, but beware...the fourth
year is often one of the danger years in business development. (Watch for the
seven year business cycle, coming up in this blog in early 2014.)
success breeds success, but sometimes success breeds complacency or even
arrogance. I have heard this story, or
variations on the theme, dozens of times.
It usually goes like this.
I started my business on a
shoestring, and through hard work and determination, built it into a going
concern. In the early days, there was
barely enough money for any extras for myself or for the business. Now we are successful, and on an upward
trajectory. It's time for a treat so I
went out and bought myself a…
You can fill in the blanks with anything you like. My favourite is the Porsche. It is a bit of a 'guy thing' but for some
people, this is the iconic trapping of success.
The problem is that in any business, things ebb and flow. There are successful times and there are
slower times. The problem is that we
don't know if an upturn in sales & profits represents a long term trend, or
a fluctuation in the natural flow of business.
Entrepreneurs are nothing if not optimistic. When things are going
up, then there is no place to go but up.
The problem is that one of two things happens. Either the entrepreneur commits to higher
monthly payments, (on the Porsche) or they deplete the business of cash to pay
for the Porsche. Either way, the
business is now more vulnerable to a down turn.
I must confess that I am way too risk-averse to ever make one of
those 'bet the company' moves. (Boeing
and 747 come to mind.) It is one thing,
however; to make the big bet with company resources for the company, and quite
another to 'buy the Porsche' when you have some excess cash. I have always been a big fan of retained
earnings and contingency funds and I have never been big on borrowing money and
increasing cash overheads with lease or loan payments.
I knew two very successful entrepreneurs who made this kind of
mistake. They had a wildly successful
business, and after about five years, started to draw heavily out of the
business. They got hit with two
consecutive factors. Firstly, ice storms
in Quebec caused a disruption of supply for their manufacturing. This cost them six weeks production. Secondly, they were forced to write off some
bad debts made to customers who their factor wouldn't finance. (You should have
listened to your factors guys.) They
company had a great income statement, but a weak balance sheet. They couldn't finance their working capital
needs caused by the bad debt and the reduction of production, and as a result
went bankrupt as a result.
I am not saying that their problems would have been solved, but,
retained earnings, derived by taking less money out of the company, would have
provided a cushion that would have helped them withstand the adversity.
So before you buy that Porsche, put away three months cash in a contingency fund. Retain earnings in order to strengthen your Balance Sheet. It may not be nearly as cool as a Porsche, but it could save your business during a rough patch.
So before you buy that Porsche, put away three months cash in a contingency fund. Retain earnings in order to strengthen your Balance Sheet. It may not be nearly as cool as a Porsche, but it could save your business during a rough patch.
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